Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn

1,2,(3,(5));  1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,7,8;  1,2,(8),11;  1,2,9,10;  1,2,10,11.
(O ryfedd Ras)
Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn
  Yn llawn fel lli
O ffrwyth yr arfaeth fawr
  Yn awr i ni;
Hen iachawdwriaeth glir
  Aeth dros y crindir cras;
Bendithion amod hedd:
  O ryfedd ras!

Fe gymerth Iesu pur
  Ein natur ni,
Enillodd ef i'w saint
  Bob braint a bri;
Fe ddaeth o'r nef o'i fodd,
  Cymerodd agwedd gwas;
Ffrwyth y cyfamod hedd:
  O ryfedd ras!

Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef,
  I ddioddef loes;
Gogwyddo wnaeth ei ben,
  Ar bren y groes;
Gorphenodd yno'r gwaith,
  O brynedigaeth dŷn;
Diolch byth! mae nef a llawr,
  Yn awr yn un.

Boed i mi gael mwynâu,
  Hyd angeu du,
O'th iachawdwriaeth rad,
  A'r cariad cu:
Can's dyma'r hyfryd wîn,
  I flîn o beraidd flâs,
Maddeuant pur a hêdd,
  O ryfedd ras.

Ni phery'r anial maith,
  Fy nhaith yn hir;
Caf fyned yn y man,
  I'r Canaan dir;
Fe geidw Iesu ei saint,
  Er cymmaint llid
      eu cas,
Fe gonc'ra, gelyn llym,
  Trwy rym ei ras.

Fe genir cyn bo hîr,
  Yn glir ei glôd,
Rhyfeddu'r cariad fydd,
  Y dydd sy'n do'd:
Dadseinir, IDDO EF,
  Yn lân gan nefol lu,
Mynegant rinwedd gwaed,
  Eu ceidwad cu.

Llonyddodd Iesu'r dig,
  Do, ddig ei Dad;
I'r gyfraith ar y groes,
  Y rhoes fawrhâd;
Cyhoedder drwy bob man
  O'r lydan ddaear las,
Fod Duw yn awr mewn hedd -
  O! ryfedd ras!

Fe gymerth Iesu blaid
  Trueiniaid trist;
Ysigodd ben y ddraig;
  Ein craig yw Crist:
Cawn ninnau fod yn bur
  Uwch cur a phecod cas,
Yn berffaith ar ei wedd -
  O ryfedd ras!

        - - RHAN II - -

Boed clod i'n
    Prynwr rhad,
  Ein Ceidwas cu;
Fe dorrodd rym yr hen
  Iorddonen ddu:
Gorchfygodd angau cryf,
  Er awch ei gleddyf glas,
A drylliodd rwymau'r bedd,
  O! ryfedd ras!

Wrth orffwys ar yr Iawn,
  Ni gawn i gyd
Felysion ffrwythau'r groes
  Drwy'n hoes o hyd:
Mae yma hyfryd win
  I flin, o beraidd flas,
Maddeuant pur a hedd,
  O! ryfedd ras!

Yn rawnwin ar y groes
  Fe droes y drain,
Caed balm o archoll ddofn
  Y bicell fain:
Dechreuwn fawl cyn hir
  Na flinir ar ei flas
Am Iesu'r aberth hedd:
  O ryfedd ras!
melys :: melus
Fe gymerth :: Cymerodd
Enillodd :: Pwrcasodd

Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [6464.6664]:
  Bethel Newydd (<1829)
Builth (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Eiriolaeth (1875)
Glanhafren (alaw Gymreig)
St Nicholas (alaw Almaenaidd)
Siloah (<1869)

  Boed clod i'n Prynwr rhad
  Fe gymerth Iesu blaid
  Fel Oen arweiniwyd Ef
  Gogwyddodd Crist ei ben
  Nis gallodd angeu du/

(O wonderful Grace)
Very sweet streams came
  Fully like a flood
From the fruit of the great purpose
  Now for us;
A bright old salvation
  Came over the scorched, parched land;
The blessings of the offer of peace:
  O wonderful grace!

Pure Jesus took
  Our nature,
He won for his saints
  Every privilege and merit;
He came from heaven of his own will,
  He took the aspect of a servant;
Fruit of the covenant of peace:
  O wonderful grace!

Like a Lamb he was led,
  To suffer anguish;
Bow his head he did,
  On the wood of the cross;
There he finished the work,
  Of man's redemption;
Thanks forever! Heaven and earth are
  Now as one.

May I get to enjoy,
  Until black death,
Something of thy free salvation,
  And the dear love:
Since here is the delightful wine,
  For the weary, of sweet taste,
Pure forgiveness and peace,
  O wonderful grace!

The vast desert will not make
  My journey long;
I shall get to in a while,
  To the land of Canaan;
Jesus will keep his saints,
  Despite the extent of the wrath
      of those who hate them,
He will conquer a keen enemy,
  Through the power of his grace.

Before long his praise,
  Is clearly to be sung,
Wondering at the love that shall be,
  On the day that is coming:
"UNTO HIM," shall be resounded,
  Purely by the heavenly host,
They shall express the merit of the blood,
  Of their dear Saviour.

Jesus appeased the anger,
  Yes, the anger of his Father;
To the law on the cross,
  He gave honour;
It is to be published through every place
  From the broad, blue-green earth,
That God is now in peace -
  O wonderful grace!

Jesus took the part
  Of sad wretches;
He bruised the dragon's head;
  Our rock is Christ:
We can get to be shortly
  Above the ache and hateful sin,
Perfect in his sight -
  O wonderful grace!

            - - PART 2 - -

Let there be esteem
    to our gracious Redeemer,
  Our dear Saviour;
He broke the force of the old
  Black Jordan:
He overcame strong death,
  Despite the edge of its sharp sword,
And smashed the bonds of the grave,
  O wonderful grace!

While resting on the Atonement,
  WE may all get
The sweet fruits of the cross
  All through our life:
There is here delightful wine
  To a weary one, of sweet taste,
Pure forgiveness and peace,
  O wonderful grace!

Into grapes on the cross
  He turned the thorns,
Balm was got from the deep wound
  Of the sharp spear:
We will begin praise before long
  Its zest not to be tired of
About Jesus the sacrifice of peace:
  O wonderful grace!
He won :: He purposed

tr. 2009,21 Richard B Gillion

Sweet streams of pleasantness
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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